Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Our Curriculum

I've been on bed rest for the last two days so I've spent waaay too much time on the computer. BUT I figured what a great way to get my blogs up to date and provide you with some good resources.

I wanted to share with you what I'm using for Joseph this year.

Living in Thailand with the school breaks not the same as the US breaks, it's makes it a little tricky for us to decide just when our school year will start and end. But most of the time we just go with the flow and take breaks here and there when we want to without thinking much in terms of a big "summer" break. I've noticed that he really likes to do school more than be on break. It give him something to do and give us a focus for each day.

There is so much amazing curriculum out there. It's so hard to choose! I could spend hours pouring over books and different homeschool websites. It's so much fun. I've had a BLAST decorating our school room!! We try to keep our bulletin board up to date and different. I love the Jan Brett free printable calendar. I love ALL of her stuff!!! She has an amazing website with lots of free coloring pages, and activities.

We start our morning doing our calendar, singing the days of the week song, months of the year song and pray together.

So here's our line up for this year:
  • First, we do our God's Wisdom for Little Boys devotional. We love this book because it tells us all the many traits that God's Little boys should have. The pictures in this book are wonderful!
  • Then Joseph does some dot to dot which he loooooooves!! 
  • If he's up to it we do some cutting an pasting to help him with his fine motor skills, but i leave this up to him. I only insist on two days a week. 
  • We both love love love the You Can Read sight word program!! It's FREE!! I bought the paid version which doesn't have all the adds on the page, but if you don't mind wading through the adds then the FREE version is just fine. She has tons of activities for your child to do each week focusing in on four words a week. I can't believe how quickly he's gotten these words!! 
  • Math is up next because he doesn't like it too much so we get it out of the way before he starts getting squirmy. ; ) I use a book I got in Bangkok and because I'm in bed I don't have access to it richt now... sorry. I'll try to remember to update it on the carousel.
  • Then we do our Sing Spell Read and Write which we both love! He's a great reader and this is such a good curriculum with LOTS of reinforcement activities!! (Just finished the Kindergarden books and have moved onto the 1st grade books even though he's still in Kindergarden.) ; ))
  • By this time he needs a break and SO do I! ; )  So I let him go play with Cayden and they have a snack.
  • Next up we do Beginning Geography twice a week. I LOOOOVE the Evan Moore workbooks!!!! But I'm a workbook kind of girl. What can I say?!?
  • We save our FIAR for when Cayden's down for his nap. I dreaded this step....no more quiet time for mommy, but we must do what we must do. ; )  So while Cayden's sleeping we read our FIAR book of the week and focus on one subject per day.  (this encompasses Math, Language, Social Studies, Art, Science) My ABSOLUTE FAVORITE WEBSITE to help with FIAR is the Delightful Learning sight with Michelle. love love love her!!!
  • I completely depend on my FIAR for Science. We use the Evan Moore Giant Science book that correlates really well with the FIAR. At Homeschool Share there are incredible FIAR resources!! There's even a page that tells you what lessons to use in the Evan Moore Science with each of the FIAR books! They also do this for the Draw Write Now series. 
I've added an Amazon link giving you easy access to the books that I've listed above. I hope I haven't overwhelmed you. ; )

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